Double Sat Installation

DVB-S Satelliten TV edit: 27.02.12

More and more British and other English speaking people who are living in Germany decide to change to satellite television. In some German areas the cable network operators do provide a selection of channels in English language. But besides Deutsche Welle, BBC World and CNN the tv viewers ask not only for news but also for more entertainment in their home language. So BB24 have now set the double sat installation to be the standard installation for satellite viewers. It enables you to view both the main German and British satellite positions. This way you can save money by not paying cable operators. Instead you need a one time satellite equipment installation.
The cost compared to cable tv pays off after one year in most cases. An additional advantage is the much broader variety of channels you get via satellite. The double sat fills your channels list with up to 2000 tv entries! (And a lot of radio channels as well) After deleting transponders for testing purposes, shopping channels and sexy dial in shows you will still have around 200 channels with regional news, movies, music video, special interest and foreignn culture in many languages.


We install 80-cm-dishes that secures viewing of BBC, ITV, Film 4, Sky News and others even in bad weather conditions. Depending on your location the availability of channels may vary. Our equipment is tested in the Düsseldorf region and the channels lists provided at this web site show what can be watched in the North West of Germany. Our equipment can be delivered in NRW or picked up at our company's location if you want to do the installation yourself. If you want us to install dish, cable and receiver box for you we can get you an individual quote starting at 99 Euros. Cost depend on distance to your location and installation conditions at your place.

You can contact us by phone via any number listed on the left hand side of this web page.


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